
Since 1953 - in the NNSC on the Korean peninsula - Swiss military personnel have been deployed abroad under the label "Peace Support". In addition to contingent missions in the Balkans (e.g. Swisscoy), Switzerland sends military observers, staff and liaison officers, military advisors as well as demining experts who are currently deployed in the Middle East (UNTSO), in Africa (MINURSO, MINUSMA, MONUSCO, UNMISS) as well as in Kashmir (UNMOGIP). In addition, other missions have been completed, temporarily cancelled or are continuing without Swiss participation.

Official information on the missions can be found, for example, on the website of the Swiss Armed Forces International Command or the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO).

On the ASMO pages on the missions (currently German only) you will find some facts and figures as well as photos and testimonials from former military observers. These probably provide the best insight into the work and everyday life in the mission.

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